Schedule tasks in your Planner

Drag and drop a whole store or individual tasks into your Calendar, or manually select a date, start and end time.


There are three ways to schedule tasks:

    • First, when viewing "Your Stores", drag a whole store into the calendar to schedule all the tasks that can be done in that week.
    • This method is the quickest. By dragging a whole store in, you can hit all of the tasks at once. Quorso predicts how long the full group of tasks will take, so you can plan your time effectively. The predicted time will get more accurate as time goes on becuase Quorso learns from how long it has taken you to complete specific tasks in the past.
    • A second option is to click "View Tasks" for a single store, then you can drag each task you want to schedule into the calendar
    • Or, to manipulate it more manually, click "View" for a single task to see the Task Details, then under "Schedule" you can set the date and time you want to schedule it for