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I'm in Hospitality but most of your articles refer to Retail. How should I use the site?

Most of our Help videos and articles demo a Quorso account from a Retail setting. If you are in Hospitality, don't worry; all of the same principles apply! Read on to understand what small differences you might see in your account, vs the demos.

For a restaurant/cafe-specific intro video, check out these links for site/outlet managers and district/regional managers.

However, whether you're a manager in Retail or in Hospitality, Quorso is applied in the same way! All of the features and functionality in the videos and articles on this site are available to you. The only things that change in Quorso are the screens that you see (which depends on what kind of user you are) and the type of data we bring into the app (per your organization's requirements). 


All users see Mission Control and the Business (KPI) screen. 

District /Regional Managers may have two additional screens called the Store/Site dashboard and the Planner. 

Data types

Your organization decides what combination of improvement tasks, alerts and opportunities to bring into Quorso. Your KPIs and missions will likely include sales, loss and operational data that you are used to managing.

Number and duration of missions

Perhaps the only significant difference between how you use Quorso and how a Retail manager would use Quorso is the number and duration of actions you take. Improvement in a coffeeshop or restaurant typically requires continual focus over a number of weeks (e.g. coaching staff to upsell, improving the product range, launching a promotion), whereas many Retail actions may be quicker and completed in a day (e.g. replenishing a fixture, replacing price tags). 

In conclusion, please feel free to browse all of the content on this site and apply the principles you learn to your own Quorso accounts! If you have any questions, get in touch at support@quorso.com.