How to use the Store Dashboard

Start your week here! The Store Dashboard is a launchpad for assessing what needs your attention most urgently, seeing more detail, and adjusting your calendar accordingly.


  • The Store dashboard is where you’ll start your week.
  • This screen is a launchpad for gaining an overview of what is happing in your stores and then moving to either the Planner or Mission Control to take further action. 
  • Depending on your use of Quorso, the 3 types of activity that you could be managing are:
    • Tasks that can be done this week
    • Alerts that have been triggered by potential issues you should investigate
    • Sales and other types of improvement opportunities that have the highest potential to positively impact the business. These are identified based on how far out from the "norm" each store’s performance is. 
  • Tasks and Alerts are prioritized into Must-action, Should-action, or Could-action categories. 
    • Must-actions have a due date within this week
    • Should-actions are those you should completed if you have time or are in the store anyway, but they aren’t due in this week
    • Could-actions are non urgent but within the timeframe in which they can be done.  
  • On the Store dashboard, you have an overview of what is going on in each of your stores, including
    • Your next and last scheduled visits
    • How many of each category of task and alert each store has, so you can deduce which stores have the highest priority tasks that need to be done this week
    • Which stores have the highest value of improvement opportunity, indicating issues that need to be addressed,
    • As well as whether the improvement opportunities they are working on are improving or not.
  • You can filter and sort the screen by various attributes.
  • Perhaps a store is scheduled to be visited in 10 days' time but you realize you need to visit it sooner.
    • You would click through to the Planner to make adjustments. We’ll come back to how the Planner works. 
  • If you’re about to visit the store or just want to look view its Tasks, Alerts & Opportunities click ‘View Details’ to move to Mission Control, which will be automatically filtered to that store.