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What kind of Quorso user am I?

Quorso user avatars


Users of Quorso may have different user experiences and data types according to the objectives and requirements of your business.

As a result, articles and videos on these Help pages might reference a screen, feature or data type that you don't recognize.

Below are explanations of things you may or may not see in your Quorso account, so you can decipher what applies to you. 


Tasks, Alerts and Opportunities (collectively known as Missions!)

  • Task - An action you have been assigned to complete, prioritized into 'Must', 'Should' or 'Could' order depending on how close you are to the due date. 
  • Alert - Typically an area where you have missed, or will soon miss, a target, and should therefore take mitigative action. 
  • Opportunity - a category, sub-category or product that is not performing as well as you'd expect, which you should investigate to check for process execution issues. This might be Sales, Loss, or any other type of performance data. 

Either a Store Manager or a District Manager might be responsible for taking action on some, or all of the above. 


Core app experiences 

  • Mission Control - this is where your weekly in-store activity is managed. Tasks, alerts and opportunities appear as mission cards that move through the columns on Mission Control as you take action on them.
  • The Business screen - This is where you can view your KPIs and drill down into each one to understand the drivers of performance. 


Additional experiences

As well as the core app experiences, District and Regional Managers might have two additional experiences:

  • The Store dashboard - users with oversight of multiple stores have the Stores dashboard, which enables them to filter and sort by different attributes and view an overview of the activity in each store, to prioritize how they spend their time that week. 
  • The Planner - This is where you schedule store visits or tasks into your calendar. Quorso provides a list of unscheduled tasks prioritized into Must, Should, and Could order, and you can drag and drop them into the calendar to ensure you get everything done, as efficiently as possible. You can also sync your calendar with Outlook, so everything is in one place.